How to Draw a Cute Cat

Learn how to draw a cute cat using our easy drawing tutorial for beginners. Create your drawing of this cute cat in just 11 steps!

Cute Cat Drawing Tutorial
How to Draw a Cute Cat Step by Step

In this step-by-step drawing tutorial, you will learn how to draw a cute cat. Cats are loved everywhere in the world and everyone because these cute fluffy animals conquered the hearts of earthlings. With the advent of the Internet, people’s love for cats has only increased, so all over the Internet one of the most popular videos on YouTube is a video about funny situations with cats and their owners. Of course, do not forget about other pets that are no less our friends than cats, for example, dogs, which are the most loyal friends for people.

Time needed: 45 minutes

How to Draw a Cute Cat

  1. Outlining the head.

    The head of our cat is not in full face, so you need to sketch out the shape of the cat’s head slightly turned to the side and lowered down.How to Sketch a Kitten

  2. Draw the ears.

    Now draw cat ears on the head of the cat.How to Draw a Cat Ears

  3. Draw the eye.

    Draw a cute cat’s eye. Along with the eye, draw cute eyelashes around the eye.Cat Head Drawing

  4. Draw the second eye.

    Now draw the second eye of the cat, but keep in mind that visually it is not as visible as the eye that is closer to us.Cat Face Drawing

  5. Cat’s nose.

    Draw the cute little cat nose.How to Draw a Cartoon Cat

  6. Cat paws sketching.

    Draw the cat’s paw, which is turned upward with the soft parts.Cartoon Cat Drawing

  7. Drawing the second paw.

    Draw the line for the cat’s back, as well as its second fluffy to draw a cat easy

  8. Draw the back leg.

    Sketch the back leg of the cat, on which the cat is standing in our drawing.Kitten Drawing

  9. Second hind leg.

    Now draw the second hind leg of the cat and its paw, on which the cat is to draw a cat

  10. Draw the fluffy tail.

    Draw the big fluffy tail of the cute kitten.Cute Cat Drawing

  11. Color the kitten’s sketch.

    The pencil artwork is ready, now you need to color the kitten. You can choose the color that you like best, in our drawing of the kitten we painted ginger. We love ginger cats! How to Draw a Cute Cat

Congratulations! At the end of our cute cat drawing tutorial for kids, we hope that this tutorial has helped your children not only create a fun and attractive drawing, but also unleash their creativity.

We remind you that not only the result is important, but also the process, so we hope that this lesson has become not only useful for you, but also an interesting pastime. Thank you for using our lesson, and we wish your children continued success in your activities!

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