How to Draw Stitch for Kids
If you want to learn how to draw Stitch, then our drawing lesson is the perfect place. Read the instructions and start drawing your Stitch.

In this step-by-step tutorial, you will learn how to draw a Stitch for kids. Stitch is a fictional alien that was originally created to wreak chaos in the galaxy and cities. He is a character in the animated series Lilo and Stitch. Stitch is an unusual character. His biography is not like the history of other cartoon characters familiar to everyone. He is an experimental creature, so the appearance of the animal resembles a cross between a koala and a bunny. It has large ears and eyes, a small body, and a completely blue body color.
The following step-by-step instructions will help you sketch this Disney character quickly and beautifully for beginners and children of school and kindergarten age.
Time needed: 25 minutes
How to Draw Stitch for Kids
- Draw the shape of the head.
Begin by drawing the oval-shaped Stitch’s head.
- Add the ears.
Now you need to add symmetrical ears on both sides of Stitch’s head.
- Details.
Detail Stitch’s ears with a few lines as shown in the example. After that, draw Stitch’s hair in the center of the head.
- Draw the eyes and nose.
Begin the parts of the face by drawing an oval-shaped nose right in the center of the face, then draw the shapes of the character’s eyes on both sides of the nose.
- Add the mouth and pupils.
Now draw Stitch’s cartoon pupils with circles that reflect the light visually. After that, draw Stitch’s smile using a straight line and a curved line at the bottom. Don’t forget to draw the teeth as shown.
- Draw the torso.
Under Stitch’s head, sketch his simple torso in the same way as shown in the step.
- Add arms.
Draw small oval arms on the sides of the torso.
- Draw the legs.
Now draw Stitch’s legs in a simple way as shown.
- Belly and inner part of the paws.
Draw paw pads on Stitch arms, and then detail the character’s torso in the same way as in the example.
- Add the claws.
Add Stitch’s sharp claws.
- Color Stitch.
Color Stitch entirely in blue. Draw the inner part of the ears in pink. Color the eyes, belly, and the inside of the legs light blue.
Drawing is quite difficult, but you have to start somewhere. Our drawing lessons are created to help you create beautiful drawings quickly and easily. This is a great start for you and your friends.