How to Draw a Dog
In this step-by-step easy guide, you will learn how to draw a dog in a very cute style. Scroll down below for a step-by-step collage and instructions for this tutorial!

Hello everyone and welcome to the step-by-step guide in which you will learn how to draw a dog! Humans and dogs have had friendly relations since ancient times, and this friendship and trust between humans and dogs never ceases to amaze. Dogs are very loyal and friendly animals that get used very much to their owner, who cares and loves his pet.
In this tutorial, we will show you how to draw a cute dog in a simple and clear style. Such a drawing can be drawn by both an experienced amateur draw and a beginner. We hope this step-by-step dog drawing lesson will help you and your friends succeed in drawing a cute dog. We wish you success in your drawing skill!
Time needed: 15 minutes
How to Draw a Dog
- Outline the head.
Begin by drawing the shape of the dog’s head. Follow the example from the first step to draw the same head shape as shown.
- Add the torso.
Now you need to sketch the dog’s torso, which is shaped like a bean.
- Draw the tail.
Using curved lines, draw a pointed dog tail.
- Add legs.
Now on the torso of the dog, draw the legs, which are visually located on the front of the picture. Follow the example to draw just like in the step.
- The second part.
Now draw the dog’s legs, which are visually located behind the dog’s torso. Draw following the example.
- Add ears.
Now on the dog’s head draw large floppy dog ears, which should look like inverted triangles in shape.
- Face details.
Draw the dog’s nose, and below it, using semicircular shapes, draw the dog’s mouth.
- Draw the eyes.
Continue drawing the details of the dog’s face by adding the shape of the eyes and also draw the dog’s open mouth.
- Add details.
Make sparkly dog eyes by adding small circles to the eyes, as shown in the example. After that, draw the tongue of the dog as shown.
- Color your artwork.
To color your drawing, you need to use the coloring tools. Try tracing the outline of the sketch with ink or a marker before coloring.
Try to draw a cat too! In addition to these two animals on our website, you will find many more drawing lessons that will be useful for you and your practice!