How to Draw a UFO for Kids

Learn how to draw a UFO for kids step by step with this elementary spaceship drawing tutorial.

How to Draw a UFO for Kids
How to Draw a UFO Step by Step

Hello everyone! Now we will show and tell you how to draw a UFO for kids. A UFO or an unidentified flying object evokes a lot of mysticism and sometimes awe and fear. Supernatural saucers in the sky have been known for many years, but for many it is a topic of ridicule, and for others a topic for scientific research. Some people admit that they saw something extremely strange and unusual in the sky, which was in the form of a flat luminous plate. There are even those who claim to have watched living “Martians” emerge from UFOs. Do you believe in UFOs?

True or fictional, but the fact remains the fact that something extraterrestrial scares people and attracts their attention. The directors make films about the invasion of aliens, the decorators bring to life space plates, according to eyewitness accounts of these flying machines.

So you, thanks to our step-by-step UFO instructions, will plunge into the mysterious world of unidentified spaceships plying our universe. Enjoy the drawing process!

Time needed: 20 minutes

How to Draw a UFO for Kids

  1. Draw the deck.

    UFO eyewitnesses claim that on top of the flying saucer is an elongated glass dome, which serves as a deck and entrance through which you can enter the spacecraft. Draw a half oval with a pencil and connect the lower left edge to the right with a curved line.How to Draw an Easy UFO

  2. Add detail.

    Detail the alien cabin by drawing a square shape that reflects light on the glass cabin.UFO How to Draw

  3. Draw the body.

    Using three curved lines, draw the body of the alien ship. Draw the top lines first, and then connect them with a long, lower, curved line. After drawing the body, draw the circular UFO light bulbs.How to Draw a Cartoon UFO Spaceship

  4. Draw the bottom of the body.

    Finish off the body of the UFO by adding the lower body using a curved line.How to Draw a Cartoon UFO

  5. Add legs.

    Draw the triangular, pointed bases for the legs of the alien ship.How to Draw an Alien Spaceship

  6. Add details.

    Now draw flat bases under the legs of the UFO on which the alien flying saucer stands.How to Draw a UFO Spaceship

  7. Color your artwork.

    Use green for the glass parts of the aircraft, and paint the metal on the spaceship grey. Color the legs of the UFO red, as in the example.
    How to Draw a UFO

Great, your UFO drawing is ready! We hope you are satisfied with the drawing and enjoyed the drawing process. Try to draw the driver of this UFO ship, we are talking about an alien.

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